PSB Confocals 

The PSB features 5 confocal microscopes, ranging from standard devices to more advanced ones.  Depending on your experiment, one device will suit your need more than another.   Below are some guidelines for choosing the most suitable confocal. 

A main criteria is speed.
Whenever speed is crucial than the spinning disc is the best choice. Speed can be in time: imaging of fast events (below 1 sec), in space: large regions to be obtained by stitching and Z-stack, or a combination with multiple colours and Z-stack.
If speed is not crucial, than the other point scanners (Olympus FV1000, Zeiss 710, Leica SP8, Zeiss LSM 900) offers more flexibility. Every system has specific features: 

The Leica Stellaris 5 LiAchroic is the newest and most sensitive confocal available at PSB. Equipped with four powerful lasers and three highly sensitive HyD detectors, it offers exceptional imaging capabilities.  As the only upright system in PSB, it provides unique opportunities for specific applications, such as shoot apical meristem imaging, especially with future use of water-dipping lenses (not yet available).  The Stellaris 5 also features a more powerful 561 nm laser compared to the SP8, making it particularly well-suited for exciting red fluorophores.  While the system excels in sensitivity, it does have some limitations. Long lifetime imaging may prove challenging (as upright system), and unlike the Leica SP8, the Stellaris 5 does not feature the ability to gate out light based on fluorescence lifetime.
Leica SP8 is the most sensitive confocal in house and also allows selection of emission light on base of lifetime using LightGate, ideal for eliminating autofluorescence and reflection.  With one of the Hyd detectors (SMD Hyd) lifetime differences can be very easily and quickly visualized (FALCON, Fast Lifetime CONtrast).   On the other hand it has a much weaker laser for exciting the red fluorophores.
The Zeiss 900 confocal is the only confocal with a vertical setup, allowing to image a root while growing along the gravity vector. This vertical setup combined with a root tracking software (TipTracker and Zen Tracking) makes the system very interesting for tracking a root over a long period of time.  Keep in mind that this is mainly done with dry lenses (20x), and that the use of immersion objectives is not userfriendly in this setup.   
The Zeiss 710 confocal is a very good 'allround' confocal.  It has the advange over the Olympus confocal to be a bit more sensitive and it has a 25, 40 and 60x water lens.  This confocal does has a much stronger laser for exciting the red fluorophores, in contrast to the Leica SP8 confocal. Tiptracker, a software tool to be able to track your root over time, is also installed.  
The Olympus FV1000 allows imaging different positions in time with different acquisition parameters on a very easy way.   Also fluorescent lifetime imaging (FLIM) can be done with this system.  However, this confocal has only one water immersion correction lens: 63x whereas the other systems also have a 20 and 40 x water lens.


Confocal trainings for PSB members are organized by Evelien Mylle ([email protected]).  Training dates are consultable on the PSB intranet page.  Additional information (manual/status issues) can be found on the PSB intranet-information page




LSM900 inverted

Confocal LSM900 inverted
ApplicationHigh resolution confocal imaging, long timelapses where the plant root can be tracked during its growth along the gravity vector,  microfluidic experiments
Typevertical tilted inverted confocal
Light sourceDiode lasers: 405, 488,561, 640 
ObjectivesEC Plan-Neofluar 10x/NA 0.30 M27 AIR
Plan-Apochromat 20x/NA 0.8 M27  AIR
MCO ¨ma,-Neofluar 25x/NA0.8 Imm Korr DIC M27 GLYCERINE
LD LCI Plan-Apochromat 40x/NA 1.2 Imm Korr DIC M27 GLYCERINE
C-Apochromat 63x/NA 1.20 W Korr UV VIS WATER
Detectors3 GaAsP PMT
SoftwareZen blue
Spectral seperation1 spectral based detectors, 2 filter/spectral based detectors.  All detectors are linked to each other for their spectral bandwidth
Fast Z system (allowing fast Z-stack)                                 -
Stable Z system (reducing drift)                            Definite focus.2 
StitchingYes (tile regions)
  • Root tracking system.  This can be achieved either by the use of TipTracker, a MATLAB®-based program for automatic tracking of moving objects (Von Wangenheim, eLife 2017) or by the use of a Zen Tracking Macro. 
  • Macro editing and experimenting mode available. 

 FV1000 Olympus 

Olympus FV1000


NameOlympus FV1000
ApplicationHigh resolution confocal imaging,  multi-positions live cell imaging, FLIM
Typeinverted confocal
Light sourceDiode lasers: 405, 488, 561, 633 (*)
ObjectivesUPLSAPO 10x/NA 0.75 AIR
UPLFLN 40x O/NA 1.30 OIL
LUCPLFLN 40x /NA 0.60  AIR
Detectors3 PMT 
Spectral seperation2 spectral based detectors, 1 filter based detector
Fast Z system (allowing fast Z-stack)                                                                                                                                                                                                                      -
Stable Z system (reducing drift)                                             -
  • The Fluoview software has a very user-friendly interface for imaging multi area time lapses with individual image settings for each selected point
  • FLIM: This system is equipped with a time domain FLIM module (Picoquant).  This module consists of a pulsed diode 440 nm laser, a time-correlated single-photon counting unit and a single-photon avalanche diode detector (SPAD) with a time resolution of 10 ps. The detector has three possible emission filter setups – a 480/40nm band pass for CFP emission, a 460LP and a 520/35-25 nm band pass filter for GFP. The Symphotime software controls the FLIM module and is synchronized with the confocal microscope.


SP8 Leica

Confocal SP8X Leica
NameLeica SP8
ApplicationHigh resolution confocal imaging, fast and sensitive confocal imaging, live cell imaging, FLIM, user-friendly XZY imaging
Typeinverted confocal
Light source

Diode lasers: 405  
Argon laser (25mWatt): 458, 476, 488, 496, 514 

White light laser (1.5 mWatt): 200 laser lines in the range from 470-670 nm, up to eight laser lines can be used simultaneously

ObjectivesHC PL APO CS2 10x/0.40  AIR
HC PL APO CS2 20x/0.75 AIR
Fluotar VISIR 25x/0.95 WATER
HC PL APO CS2 40x/1.10 WATER
HC PL APO CS2 63x/1.20 WATER
Detectors2 PMT , 2 Hyd, 1 Hyd SMD2
Spectral seperation5 spectral based detectors 
Fast Z system (allowing fast Z-stack)                                                                Galvano stage (500 um)
Stable Z system (reducing drift)                            AFC
  • An automated water dispenser on the water lenses facilitating long-time imaging.
  • FALCON (Fast Lifetime CONtrast): FLIM measurement
  • LightGate: This allows to remove unwanted signal based on lifetime, ideal for eliminating autofluorescence and reflection.  F.ex. imaging weak GFP signal in leaf is only visible thanks to the use of the LightGate. 
  • Hyvolution software: deconvolution Huygens software that is integrated inside the LASX environment.   The Huygens software can also be used for other type of images (non-LASX format). 
  • FRAP & FRET wizard

 LSM 710 Zeiss

LSM Zeiss 710
NameZeiss LSM710
ApplicationHigh resolution confocal imaging, live cell imaging
Typeinverted confocal
Light sourceDiode lasers: 405, 559,  (633nm*) 
Argon laser: 458/488/515 
ObjectivesEC Plan Neofluar 10x/NA 0.30 M27 AIR
Plan-Apochromat 20x/NA 0.8 M27 AIR
LD LCI Plan-Apochromat 25x/NA 0.8 Imm Korr DIC M27  WATER
LD Plan-Neofluar 40x/NA 0.6 Korr M27  AIR
C-Apochromat 40x/NA 1.20 W Korr M27 WATER
C-Apochromat 63x/NA 1.20 W Korr M27 WATER
Detectors3 PMT 
SoftwareZen black
Spectral seperation3 spectral based detectors 
Fast Z system (allowing fast Z-stack)                                 -
Stable Z system (reducing drift)                            -
ExtraAn extra slit in front of the UV emission can be inserted in the microscope allowing fast photoconversion of photoswitchable fluorophores on a small spot or a line. 

Stellaris 5 LiAchroic Leica

Picture will be added soon!

NameLeica Stellaris 5 LiAchroic
ApplicationHigh resolution confocal imaging, very sensitive
Typeupright confocal
Light sourceDiode lasers: 405 (50mW), 488 (20mW), 561 (20mW), 638 nm (30mW)

HC PL APO 10x/0.40 CS2 AIR
HC PL APO 20x/0.75 CS2 AIR

Waterdipping lens (not yet available)

Detectors3 Hyd S
SoftwareLAS X
Spectral seperation3 spectral based detectors 
Fast Z system (allowing fast Z-stack)                                 Galvano stage (1500 um)
Stable Z system (reducing drift)                            -
Extra-FRAP & FRET Wizard
-Lightning (adaptive deconvolution) 



Spinning disc Ultraview Perkin Elmer


NameNikon Spinning disc - Perkin Elmer - Yokogawa
  • Applications where speed is of superior demand rather than resolution.  Speed can be in time: imaging of fast events (below 1 sec), in space: large regions to be obtained by stitching and Z-stack, or a combination with multiple colours and Z-stack. 
  • Ratiometric imaging (Ca2+ sensors, phosphorylation sensors)
  •  4D stitching 
  • photokinesis FRAP on fly 
  • Long time lapses (as equipped with Perfect Focus System III, reducing drift)
  • Possibility to include rules during your imaging
  • ...
Typeinverted confocal
Light sourceDiode lasers: 405, 440, 488, 515nm,  561nm, 640
Objectives 10x AIR
20x AIR
60x /NA 1.2 WATER
100x/NA 1.45 OIL
DetectorsTwo Hamamatsu 512x512 EMCCD cameras and a 509 and 580 dichroic kit allow simultaneous imaging of GFP/RFP or CFP/YFP
Spectral seperationFilter based
Fast Z system (allowing fast Z-stack)                                                                                                 Piezo stage (400 um range)
Stable Z system (reducing drift)                                         Perfect Focus System (PFSIII)
ExtraFRAP module, Ratiometric module