Microscopy Imaging tools at PSB


PSB researchers are actively involved in generating tools to allow real-time visualization of plants under conditions that disturb specific processes. Examples are the use of microfluidics setups to monitor the effect of chemical compounds as well as the effect of altered temperature, on cellular dynamics. 

Cherry Temp Heater Cooler for microscopy

CherryTemp Heater Cooler for microscopy


The CherryTemp system (Cherrybiotech) allows temperature shifts of a sample within 10 seconds between 5 °C and 45°C.  The system can be easily mounted on our Spinning Disc and Zeiss 710 confocal, and with some minor adaptations on any other microscope.  More detailed information on the use of the CherryTemp system on Arabidopsis seedlings can be found on the CherryTemp website


Microfluidic setup

Microfluidic setup


The microfluidic setup at PSB allows monitoring the immediate effect of compound treatments on root dynamics (growth, marker expression) in real-time. Plant roots are grown in a RootChip, through which the fluid flow is controlled by a microfluidic system that is mounted on a vertically positioned confocal microscope (Zeiss LSM900). This microscopy setup allows the roots to grow along the gravity vector and can follow the roots over an extended period of time (days) using a root tip tracking system.

With the RootChip, it’s possible to get a unique view of developing roots, which allows testing the effects of specific compounds and environmental conditions on the health and growth of seedlings.